Am I unreasonable or is this wierd?

Ok so both our character are arguing. This was fine until her character decide to destroy something precious belonging to my character. She didnt ask me if I was ok with this.

If feel like, just like in real life, there is a difference between arguing with someone, shouting ou threathening someone, and actually break or destroy something that belongs to them.

I can’t possibly say my character would just sit there and take it, or forgive her character. He would litteraly fight her and never talk to her again, so it is very hard for me to see how the rp can recover from this.

I asked her if she can change and reply to say that her character destroy just part of the thing. She says she can change the thing she destroy but she insist on destroying it entirely because "her character doesnt know moderation".

Am I wrong for thinking this is kind of unreasonable?